Archive 2016

Program 2016
Day 1
31 Jul 2016

The Meaning of “Leadership”

WELCOME: Introductions to each other and to the site

“Who are the Religious Leaders we Admire? What are their Qualities?”
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Peta Jones Pellach

Case study 1: The Dalai Lama

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is the spiritual and political leader the Tibetan people and a member of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders. He carries on a...
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Prof. Vanessa Rebecca Sasson

Introduction to chevruta method

Text Study 1: Buddhist views on qualities of leadership.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Peta Jones Pellach

Group Discussion

 How does the Dalai Lama personify qualities of leadership?
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Peta Jones Pellach
Day 2
01 Aug 2016

Leadership and Community Building

Text study 2:

Christian views on leadership
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

Bibliodrama: Christian leadership

Case Study 2 – Life of St Benedict
Peta Jones Pellach

Text study 3:

Jewish views on leadership
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

Personal testimony 4:

The Role of Religious Leaders in Peace-Making (Part 1)
Rabbi Michael Melchior

Visit to Dormition Abbey

Meeting with Fr Gregory and participation in Vespers.
Members of the Benedictine Community
Day 3
02 Aug 2016

Religious Leadership responds Secular (political) Challenges

Text study 5:

Muslim views on Leadership
Peta Jones Pellach

Personal testimony 1:

Muslim ideals of leadership – how do they stand up to contemporary challenges?
Qadi Muhammad Abu Obied

Personal testimony 2:

On being a Muslim religious leader -facing the challenges of today.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Case study 3:

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks – responding to the challenges of Jewish leadership today.
Rabbi Gideon Sylvester
Day 4
03 Aug 2016

Religious Leadership and Social Responsibility and Activism

Case study 4:

On being a Hindu religious leader –  Sudhamani Mata Amritananda, (Amma). Amma  is known all over the world today and has inspired and started innumerable humanitarian services. She is a...
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Dr. Amanda J. Lucia


Introduction to the concept of  “Religious Genius”. Amma as a Religious Genius.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

Theoretical studies:

(i) The challenges for Hindu leadership today. Lecture. (ii) Hindu models of leadership.
Dr Anantanand Rambachan

Bibliodrama: Hindu Leadership

Case study 5: The life of Mahatma Gandhi (followed by optional visit to the Kotel).
Peta Jones Pellach
Day 5
04 Aug 2016

How to Lead: Balancing Leadership and Humility

Personal testimony 3:

On being a Christian religious leader -facing the challenges of today. Pope Francis.
Bishop William Shomali

Personal testimony 4:

On being a Jewish religious leader – facing the challenges of today.
Rabbi Menachem HaCohen

Bibliodrama: Jewish Leadership

The life of Rav Kook.
Peta Jones Pellach

Visit to Rav Kook House

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, Tz’l (1865-1935) is the most significant Jewish religious figure in modern times.
Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein
Day 6
05 Aug 2016

Religious Leadership and HOPE for the future

Text study 4:

 Interreligious studies: women and religious leadership
Peta Jones Pellach

Personal testimony 4:

The Role of Religious Leaders in Peace-Making (Part 2)
Dr Alick Isaacs

Review and Evaluation of the week

Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Peta Jones Pellach

A vision of HOPE (including HOPE Network)

A new role for world religious leaders. Preparing for the week(s) to come.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Day 7
08 Aug 2016

Chevruta text-study:

Crisis of the Holy.
Peta Jones Pellach

Airing Questions from Chevruta (Part 1)

Moderated group discussion – the link between Crisis of the Holy and Leadership – the challenges for leadership today.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

Airing Questions from Chevruta (Part 2)

Moderated group discussion – the link between Crisis of the Holy and Leadership – the challenges for leadership today.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Day 8
09 Aug 2016

Jigsaw exercise: Prayer in different traditions

Similarities & differences. What this teaches re the challenge of side-by-side prayer.
Peta Jones Pellach

Review of idea of Religious Genius

Review of idea of “Religious Genius,” both as a lens for viewing Leadership and as content/ method for building a network and sharing wisdom.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

Methodological training

Studying sacred texts.
Peta Jones Pellach
Day 9
10 Aug 2016

Jigsaw Exercise

Jigsaw – studies on Compassion, Peace, Love from across traditions.
Peta Jones Pellach

Methodological Training

Possibilities and Perils of Using Religious Texts in Peace-making.
Dr. Miriam Feldmann Kaye

The “Crisis of the Holy” we Face (Part 1)

Discussion: The “crisis of the holy” we face. Identifying issues.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

The “Crisis of the Holy” we Face (Part 2)

Discussion: The “crisis of the holy” we face. Will sharing wisdom, prayer, joint activity help us cope with our local challenges?
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Day 10
11 Aug 2016

Methodological Training

Methodological training (cont.) More techniques to improve facilitation and text-teaching skills.
Peta Jones Pellach

What Next?

What next? Working through each participant’s next steps. Creating a Network – hub to periphery.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Peta Jones Pellach


Sharing wisdom