Archive 2020

Program 2020
Day 1
02 Aug 2020

Optional walking tour

Around Old City Jerusalem, pointing out holy sites.

Sunday 2nd August - virtual tour around the Old City of Jerusalem. Meet at Damascus Gate at 10:00 am.
Wednesday 5th August - prayers at the Kotel and Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Meet me at Jaffa at 9:30 am.
Sunday 9th August - Garden of the Righteous at Yad Vashem - Meet at 10:00 am the entrance of Yad Vashem.
Tuesday 11th August - Meet at the botanical gardens at 3:00 pm.
Peta Jones Pellach


Introduction by participants: “How the Coronavirus crisis affected me, my life, my faith”
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Peta Jones Pellach

Video Excerpts from religious leaders:

“How the Coronavirus crisis affected me, my life, my faith”
Venerable Norman Fischer
Cardinal Schonborn
Rabba Tamar Elad-Appelbaum
Archbishop Justin Welby
Shrivatsa Goswami

Lecture and discussion:

Introduction to the course – “The parameters of religious life – in ordinary times and in times of crisis.”
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Day 2
03 Aug 2020

Guest scholar and text study:

Religion provides meaning – explains the human condition – Meaning in Judaism
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg

Guest scholar and text study:

Religion provides meaning – explains the human condition – Meaning in Christianity
Metropolitan Ware

Guest scholar and text study:

Religion provides meaning – explains the human condition – Meaning in Buddhism
Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Prof Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Day 3
04 Aug 2020

Guest scholar and text study:

Religion provides meaning – explains the human condition – Meaning in Religions of India
swami atmapriyananda
Swami Atmapriyananda

Guest scholar and text study:

Religion provides meaning – explains the human condition – Meaning in Islam
Prof. Marcia Hermansen

Guest scholar and text study:

Religion provides meaning – – explains the human condition – Meaning in Bahai

Lecture and discussion:

Religion Provides Meaning: Synthesis, comparisons, contrast
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Day 4
05 Aug 2020

Virtual participation

in prayers at Kotel and Church of Holy Sepulchre.
Peta Jones Pellach

Video compilation and discussion:

Religion provides the path for a relationship with G-d/ (with something greater than ourselves). Can we build a “storehouse of spirituality” to equip us for times of crisis?
His Beatitude Patriarch Sahak II Mashalian
His Beatitude Patriarch Sahak II Mashalian
Metropolitan Ware
Sr Jayanti
Sr Jayanti – Brahma Kumaris
Rabba Tamar Elad-Appelbaum
Shrivatsa Goswami
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein

Text study:

Prayer as a connection with G-d – building and strengthening the relationship in normal times and in crisis.
Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein


Testing the relationship and expressing doubt: Abraham arguing, David calling out, Jonah trying to escape, Job’s friends doubting, Peter and Thomas.
Peta Jones Pellach
Day 5
06 Aug 2020

Panel discussion:

Religion provides community and identity Session 1 – Hindu, Jewish
Rabbi Ian Pear
Rabbi Ian Pear
Shrivatsa Goswami

Panel discussion: In partnership with Praying Together in Jerusalem

Religion provides community and identity Session 2 – Muslim, Christian , Buddhist
Prof. Dr. Dirk-Martin Grube
Mustafa Ceric
Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric

Small group discussions:

“Redefining and expanding definitions of community.” To what extent has this crisis impacted on our interfaith community, extending even to those without a strong religious community?
Day 6
09 Aug 2020

Text study:

Religion shapes social relations, cultivating morality, teaching us how to act towards one another – across religions


Case studies: Religious Geniuses exemplifying morality and social responsibility.
Peta Jones Pellach

Video clips and discussion:

How Covid 19 did or did not bring out the principles of social responsibility.
Pak Yahya
Bishop Domenico Sorrentino
Maria Voce
Sadhvi Saraswati
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
Shrivatsa Goswami
Day 7
10 Aug 2020

Virtual tour

of Garden of Righteous at Yad Vashem.
Peta Jones Pellach

Guest teacher(s)/Panel:

Where does Religion take place – heart, home, community? What is the balance between these loci of the religious life in different traditions and what happens when the “normal” is disrupted.
Dr Rachel Pear
Suheyl Umar

Video clips and text-study:

The balance of home and community – in regular times and in crisis.
Geshe Tashe Tsering
Prof. Marcia Hermansen
Cardinal Schonborn
Archbishop Justin Welby


Where does religions take place – heart, home, community? What is the ideal balance and what is the role of each of these “sites” in the religious life of the community and the individual?
Day 8
11 Aug 2020

Virtual tour

of Botanic Gardens/ Biblical zoo.
Peta Jones Pellach

Lecture and texts:

Religion teaches us about our connectivity (religion orients us to life and to nature)
Dr Michael Kagan

Video clips and discussion:

Appreciating our connectivity in times of crisis.

Small group discussion

(geared towards day 9) – preparing questions for leaders on the meaning of religious leadership and the challenges to religious leaders in times of crisis and as we emerge into the future.
Day 9
12 Aug 2020

Panel presentation:

The challenges of religious leadership before during and after Covid 19. Hindu, Muslim

Panel presentation:

The challenges of religious leadership before during and after Covid 19. Buddhist, Christian
Geshe Tashe Tsering

Panel presentation:

The challenges of religious leadership before during and after Covid 19. Jewish, Bahai
Day 10
13 Aug 2020

Writing task:

Which of the purposes of religion have been better understood, realised or deepened through our theoretical analysis of the Covid 19 crisis?

Bibliodrama exercise:

How has my spiritual life been affected by this encounter?
Peta Jones Pellach

Formal evaluation

of the summer school and how we move forward as a spiritual community.