An introduction to Jerusalem's unique history and culture. We begin on the seam between the Old and New cities and finish at Shir Hadash for the opening session.
Jerusalem through Jewish eyes - We begin at Shir Hadash for some learning and then walk both outside and inside the Walls of the Old City to experience Jerusalem as the holiest site in Judaism.
The concept of "Return" in relationship to "Exile", introduced by Alon Goshen-Gottstein. Representatives of four different religious traditions will present their religion's exile narrative followed a discussion between the presenters and the participants.
Jerusalem through Christian eyes. We begin at Ecce Homo for some learning and then walk the Stations of the Cross. From there, we go across to Notre Dame for another aspect of Christian Jerusalem, outside the walls.
Live at Shir Hadash, Rechov Yakov Rubin 1 (off Graetz) and on Zoom. Chevruta. Text study of sources from different traditions on the theme of "return" as repentance/ return to self/ identity.
Jerusalem through Muslim eyes: First, we meet Professor Mohammed Dajani at the hotel which has been in his family for generations. We hear his story as a Jerusalemite and peace-activist. Then, Qadi Muhammad Abu Obied, a qadi (expert in Islamic law) joins us to share his appreciation of Islam's third holiest city. This will be followed by an optional visit to the al-Aqsa complex.
Pilgrimage as “Return”: testimonies about four sites sacred to four different religions. Moderator: Professor Jackie Feldman. Live at Shir Hadash, Rechov Yakov Rubin 1 (off Graetz) and on Zoom.
First, we will meet the Jerusalem representative of the Brahma Kumaris at her home and learn from her the significance of Jerusalem to religions outside the Abrahamic tradition. Then we will visit sites in the West and Eastern parts of the City to understand Jerusalem's sanctity to Hindus and Sikhs.
It is not easy to recognize that we are in a state of self-exile, and it is even harder to return to our true Self. Spiritual religious traditions give us, fortunately, some tips on how to distinguish the illusionary, superficial self from what each of us really is, and they also offer guidance along the path of return
Our two presenters are Professor Haviva Pedaya, who will present Jewish (Hassidic) texts, and Professor Vince Cornell, who will present Sufi texts.
This session is in conjunction with the Hermes Forum.
Different understandings of time/ history and the implications for religious life and for understandings of “return.” Echoes – Does shabbat turn into something universal?
Bibliodrama is a unique way of entering a sacred text and seeing it from within. No dramatic skill is required or expected: come with an open mind and an open heart and you will see things in the text that you do not know or expect.
Introduction to the field of prayer. Clearing the space from misperceptions about the meaning and process of prayer that are hindrances to the embracing of prayer.